The digital component of products or services has helped significantly to accelerate the speed of adoption. On the other hand, the global competition we are facing is boosting the innovation process. When something works, it spreads almost immediately. Although trends emerge more and more quickly, it is true that they are also more ephemeral. Music, technology, series or fashion, as well as being consumed quickly, are consumed in a different way.
Technology has taught us that everything is at our fingertips, cheaply, easily and above all immediately. We sign up for newsletters, we read forums, we follow brands, etc. We let certain companies accompany us in our lives and become part of our daily lives. We are demanding because we have the whole world to choose from, we do not believe in a lifelong relationship with brands, but when we choose one, we consume it with intensity.
We buy what we connect with and that goes beyond the fact that the product is good, beautiful and cheap. We don’t just limit ourselves to the product, but we look for a meaning, a vision, a style with which we feel identified. Businesses have to know how to transmit this. From this connection, brands become part of everyone’s personality and consumers become “preachers” of brands. In my close environment, I have “preachers” of Xiaomi, Asos, Estrella Galicia or La Resistencia and they talk about them with a deep passion, which comes from feeling identified.
The new generations of Millennials or Z, currently have limited purchasing power. In a few years’ time, when we spend like our parents do and decide on the consumption that we and our children generate, we will be the basis of the economy. This paradigm shift will also happen for B2B companies because, although the customer will still be a company, the one making the purchasing decision will be a person who has grown up in the digital age.
For companies to adapt to this change, in addition to offering a good product or service for a good price, they have to know how to convey their purpose, their meaning and their values. It is paradoxical that in this digital present, not to mention the future, in which we begin to be dominated by algorithms, it is precisely the human aspect that makes the difference.