2022 on the horizon

Back to work after the usual feast of these dates, we raise our heads and it is already 2021. It turns out that the cliché “how quickly time passes” is true even in the year of the pandemic. It has been a difficult year and, like many other companies, at i2U we have had to

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The automated warehouse, where is the challenge?

I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to answer with the first thing that comes to your mind. Would you be able to build a house? Surely, given the magnitude of the challenge, you will receive a NO as an answer. What if instead of considering the whole process as a

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Industrial machine vision, a mature solution for everyday challenges.

We have been living side by side with artificial vision for some years now, but we are often unaware of this reality, which still seems like science fiction, from the identification of people to autonomous driving of vehicles, as well as thousands of useful applications of this branch of artificial intelligence. It is precisely the

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Factories 4.0 demand logistics 4.0

NEW REQUIREMENTS Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Blockchain…, it is clear to all of us that these are the concepts that are changing our lives, at least those related to supply chains. I am surprised every morning when I see fresh, ripe tropical fruits in the small fruit shop in the neighbourhood, twenty mangoes,

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Challenges of teleworking

In the last post we talked about the benefits of teleworking, but we must not forget the difficulties that arise when you are not physically present with your people every morning. Here are the telework challenges we have faced at i2U. Dangerous delay When working in a remote team, there is a tendency to postpone

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Why we don’t stop with COVID-19

Covid-19 is here to make its mark on every corner of this planet. In addition to the direct impact it is having on those who have contracted the disease, its very existence has transformed the way society and, of course, businesses operate. At i2U, as in so many other companies, we are obliged to continue

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Ports, a business model in transition

In previous blog posts, we have talked about how technological disruption is changing port logistics, moving from stevedoring, to semi-automated processes assisted by cranes and forklifts, to fully automated processes. In this transition, how will the business models of the ports evolve? In the near future, when automated warehouses will be the minimum required to

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From stowage to warehouse digitization

The chaos of logistics The constant change in the business and technological landscape is forcibly dragging us towards an increasingly complex and critical logistics activity in all the actors of the value chain. The singularisation of production and the transformation of the concept of sales into that of services are here to stay, and warehousing

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Generations and lifestyles

Many, many people have passed through this planet, but not all of them have been able to witness generational changes like those we have experienced in the last 100 years. Throughout the history of mankind, changes in lifestyles were slow and practically imperceptible to the inhabitants of each era. Until the arrival of the technological

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Ethics of engineers

In November 1957 we sent a little curly-haired stray dog to certain death, her name was Kudryavka and we all know her as Laika, the space dog, the first living thing to orbit the earth. For all of us, the mission was a great success, proving that animals can withstand microgravity and learning that if

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If you want to work at i2U, don’t send us your CV

Less than 3 years ago, I was at university, about to take the leap into the world of work, full of completely different ideas to the ones I currently hold. I went through the job search phase and a year into this new phase, a lot of “truths” that I had grown up with came

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2018, one more lap around the sun

The turn of the year is full of reflections, illusions and goals. As was not to be outdone, 2018 has left us pensive and we have started the 19th by taking stock. As the question is the tool that best serves us to investigate the issues that occupy us, we have asked ourselves what we

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New habits and new companies

Yes, today’s products and services are growing and expanding really fast. Looking at the image below, we can see the increase in the speed at which different products or services have spread to reach 50 million users. TRENDS The digital component of products or services has helped significantly to accelerate the speed of adoption. On

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My two creatures

TRENDS The digital component of products or services has helped significantly to accelerate the speed of adoption. On the other hand, the global competition we are facing is boosting the innovation process. When something works, it spreads almost immediately. Although trends emerge more and more quickly, it is true that they are also more ephemeral.

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Have we struck gold with the new business models?

Today is Monday, 23 July 2018 and we live in the most advanced world ever seen, and at the same time, we will never know a world as old as this one. A few millennia ago, humans emerged as the dominant species on the planet and this brought with it a responsibility to care for

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“The Origin of INORGANIC Species. Charles Darwin”.

Having just finished the Bilbao Biennial Machine Tool Fair (BIEMH), I have a reflection to share with you: for me it was the first time that I had attended this event, given that I come from another sector, and I have been able to see what seduced me about the project materialise on a large

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Millennials in entrepreneurship

The current vision with which I face my future has led me to set up my first company, i2U. I took this ticket a little over a year ago, with the intention of living an experience that would make me vibrate, grow and, above all, enjoy myself. The truth is that I am not being

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Data as the seed of digital transformation

In i2U, we believe in the importance of data as the basis for the digital transformation of an organisation, reaching the implementation of productive processes that are being favoured by the correct use of data. The objective of this transformation is the achievement of Data-driven organisations and the challenge lies in the development of good

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Machine Vision: A tool for change for the circular economy

Machine vision is a scientific discipline that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analysing and understanding real-world images in order to produce numerical or symbolic information. This technology, whose origins date back to the 1950s, has experienced a boom in the last decade, coinciding with the arrival of Industry 4.0. A wide range of possibilities It

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Hello world

Peter Drucker says that “What is not measured, does not improve” and so we started, measuring data, the data we are looking for on waste generated, data on environmental problems, the figures that reveal how we do not comply with the precepts of the circular economy, to what extent the environment is affected and above

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